Instructions for poster presenters
This year, Sigdial will offer the ability for poster presenters to deliver electronic posters instead of traditional paper posters.
What are electronic posters?
The Sigdial venue has eight Sharp PNE-601 Flat Screen LCD Monitors mounted vertically with a native 1080p resolution (1080×1920, portrait orientation), which can be used for poster presentations. The monitors can display image files (JPG and PNG), QuickTime movies, PowerPoint, and PDF files. The monitors do not support playing of audio or any interactivity. One of the monitors will display your poster for the duration of your poster session.
Am I required to have an electronic poster?
No. Authors may choose whether to present their posters as an electronic poster (on the monitors) or as a paper poster.
Why choose an electronic poster?
An electronic poster has several advantages:
- You save the costs associated with printing a poster
- You save the hassle of traveling with a big poster tube
- You can include moving images on the poster (but no audio)
The following, however, is not an option:
- You can prepare the poster on the plane on the way to the workshop
In fact, an electronic poster requires more lead time than a paper poster, because we need to make sure that the file looks good when displayed on our monitors. We need to receive your poster file one week before Sigdial so we can test it and work with you on any necessary improvements.
The main limitation of electronic posters is the physical size and resolution of the monitors. If your poster requires a lot of fine details, then paper may be a better option. However, we have used the monitors to deliver very effective posters, so as long as you design your poster with the size and resolution requirements in mind, this should not be a limitation.
What file formats are acceptable?
JPG or PNG images, QuickTime movies, PowerPoint and PDF are acceptable. The Mac minis driving the monitors must be able to display the file correctly.
Giving us the file a week before the conference will allow us to test for problems with missing fonts and other issues. We have had mixed results with PowerPoint files; authors should be aware that differences in PowerPoint versions and installed fonts may cause problems.
NOTE: multiple slides are possible with PowerPoint presentations but the slides must auto-advance and the presentation must be set to loop. We caution authors that this will probably mean that the slides will advance when you don’t want them to, and/or you will be waiting for the right slide to show up.
What size should I use in my electronic poster?
There are multiple options for setting up a file appropriately for displaying content on the hallway monitors:
- Build a PDF or PowerPoint file using the physical size of the monitor: 74.7cm/29.4in wide and 132.8cm/52.3in tall. You should leave a small margin to make the poster look good and avoid content from being cut off.
- A second option is creating an image/movie that fills up the screen (1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels long).
- A third option is using a smaller size than the 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels and not filling up the entire screen.
Is there a template available?
We are providing a PowerPoint template. If you are using PowerPoint, we advise sending us both the PowerPoint file as well as a PDF generated from the PowerPoint. In any case, it is important to send your file(s) no later than September 6 to give us time for testing. If you are not using PowerPoint, you may still find the file useful as a reference on font sizes and other details.
What are some of the technical details of these monitors?
The monitors are driven by Mac minis in a machine room. The resolution being displayed is 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels long. Note, the physical screen is larger than your typical computer screen so small fonts and small details will not show up well.
What are the allowable dimensions of paper posters?
Paper posters will be taped to the wall so the size limitations are very liberal. We recommend not going beyond 6 by 4 feet (180 by 120 cm).
What do I need to do next?
We will communicate with you regarding your preferred mode of poster presentation (paper or electronic). We will also give instructions on how to submit your electronic files, which we must receive no later than September 6.