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20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

Conference PROGRAM

11 September 2019

09:20–10:20Keynote 1 - Learning Natural Language Interfaces with Neural Models
Mirella Lapata
10:20–10:50Coffee Break
 10:50–12:05 Session 1 - Policy and Knowledge
 Deep Reinforcement Learning For Modeling Chit-Chat Dialog With Discrete Attributes
Chinnadhurai Sankar and Sujith Ravi
 Improving Interaction Quality Estimation with BiLSTMs and the Impact on Dialogue Policy Learning
Stefan Ultes
 Lifelong and Interactive Learning of Factual Knowledge in Dialogues
Sahisnu Mazumder, Bing Liu, Shuai Wang and Nianzu Ma
 13:20–15:10 Poster and Demos 1
 Few-Shot Dialogue Generation Without Annotated Data: A Transfer Learning Approach
Igor Shalyminov, Sungjin Lee, Arash Eshghi and Oliver Lemon
 SIM: A Slot-Independent Neural Model for Dialogue State Tracking
Chenguang Zhu, Michael Zeng and Xuedong Huang
 Simple, Fast, Accurate Intent Classification and Slot Labeling for Goal-Oriented Dialogue Systems
Arshit Gupta, John Hewitt and Katrin Kirchhoff
 Time Masking: Leveraging Temporal Information in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Rylan Conway and Mathias Lambert
 To Combine or Not To Combine? A Rainbow Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent for Dialog Policies
Dirk Väth and Ngoc Thang Vu
 Contextualized Representations for Low-resource Utterance Tagging
Bhargavi Paranjape and Graham Neubig
 Capturing Dialogue State Variable Dependencies with an Energy-based Neural Dialogue State Tracker
Anh Duong Trinh, Robert J. Ross and John D. Kelleher
 Leveraging Non-Conversational Tasks for Low Resource Slot Filling: Does it help?
Samuel Louvan and Bernardo Magnini
 Collaborative Multi-Agent Dialogue Model Training Via Reinforcement Learning
Alexandros Papangelis, Yi-Chia Wang, Piero Molino and Gokhan Tur
 Scoring Interactional Aspects of Human-Machine Dialog for Language Learning and Assessment using Text Features
Vikram Ramanarayanan, Matthew Mulholland and Yao Qian
 Spoken Conversational Search for General Knowledge
Lina M. Rojas Barahona, Pascal Bellec, Benoit Besset, Martinho Dossantos, Johannes Heinecke, munshi asadullah, Olivier Leblouch, Jeanyves. Lancien, Geraldine Damnati, Emmanuel Mory and Frederic Herledan
 Graph2Bots, Unsupervised Assistance for Designing Chatbots
Jean-Leon Bouraoui, Sonia Le Meitour, Romain Carbou, Lina M. Rojas Barahona and Vincent Lemaire
 On a Chatbot Conducting Dialogue-in-Dialogue
Boris Galitsky, Dmitry Ilvovsky and Elizaveta Goncharova
15:10–15:40Coffee Break
 15:40–16:55 Session 2 (Special Session) - Implications of Deep Learning for Dialogue Modeling
 DeepCopy: Grounded Response Generation with Hierarchical Pointer Networks
Semih Yavuz, Abhinav Rastogi, Guan-Lin Chao and Dilek Hakkani-Tur
 Towards End-to-End Learning for Efficient Dialogue Agent by Modeling Looking-ahead Ability
Zhuoxuan Jiang, Xian-Ling Mao, Ziming Huang, Jie Ma and Shaochun Li
 Unsupervised Dialogue Spectrum Generation for Log Dialogue Ranking
Xinnuo Xu, Yizhe Zhang, Lars Liden and Sungjin Lee
16:55–17:55Panel: The Future of Dialogue Research
Phil Cohen

12 September 2019

09:00–10:00Keynote 2 - Situated Interaction
Dan Bohus
10:00–10:30Coffee Break
 10:30–11:45 Session 3 - Generation and End-to-end Dialogue Systems
 Tree-Structured Semantic Encoder with Knowledge Sharing for Domain Adaptation in Natural Language Generation
Bo-Hsiang Tseng, Paweł Budzianowski, Yen-chen Wu and Milica Gasic
 Structured Fusion Networks for Dialog
Shikib Mehri, Tejas Srinivasan and Maxine Eskenazi
 Flexibly-Structured Model for Task-Oriented Dialogues
Lei Shu, Piero Molino, Mahdi Namazifar, Hu Xu, Bing Liu, Huaixiu Zheng and Gokhan Tur
 13:00–14:15 Poster and Demos 2
 FriendsQA: Open-Domain Question Answering on TV Show Transcripts
Zhengzhe Yang and Jinho D. Choi
 Foundations of Collaborative Task-Oriented Dialogue: What’s in a Slot?
Philip Cohen
 Speaker-adapted neural-network-based fusion for multimodal reference resolution
Diana Kleingarn, Nima Nabizadeh, Martin Heckmann and Dorothea Kolossa
 Learning Question-Guided Video Representation for Multi-Turn Video Question Answering
Guan-Lin Chao, Abhinav Rastogi, Semih Yavuz, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Jindong Chen and Ian Lane
 Zero-shot transfer for implicit discourse relation classification
Murathan Kurfalı and Robert Östling
 A Quantitative Analysis of Patients’ Narratives of Heart Failure
Sabita Acharya, Barbara Di Eugenio, Andrew Boyd, Richard Cameron, Karen Dunn Lopez, Pamela Martyn-Nemeth, Debaleena Chattopadhyay, Pantea Habibi, Carolyn Dickens, Haleh Vatani and Amer Ardati
 TDDiscourse: A Dataset for Discourse-Level Temporal Ordering of Events
Aakanksha Naik, Luke Breitfeller and Carolyn Rose
 Real-time Generation of Unambiguous Spatial Referring Expressions
Fethiye Irmak Dogan, Sinan Kalkan and Iolanda Leite
 Real Life Application of a Question Answering System Using BERT Language Model
Francesca Alloatti, Luigi Di Caro and Gianpiero Sportelli
 14:15–15:05 Session 4 - Understanding and Dialogue State Tracking
 Hierarchical Multi-Task Natural Language Understanding for Cross-domain Conversational AI: HERMIT NLU
Andrea Vanzo, Emanuele Bastianelli and Oliver Lemon
 Dialog State Tracking: A Neural Reading Comprehension Approach
Shuyang Gao, Abhishek Sethi, Sanchit Agarwal, Tagyoung Chung and Dilek Hakkani-Tur
15:05–15:35Coffee Break
 15:35–16:25 Session 5 - Acoustics
 Cross-Corpus Data Augmentation for Acoustic Addressee Detection
Oleg Akhtiamov, Ingo Siegert, Alexey Karpov and Wolfgang Minker
 A Scalable Method for Quantifying the Role of Pitch in Conversational Turn-Taking
Kornel Laskowski, Marcin Wlodarczak and Mattias Heldner
 16:25–17:10 Sponsor Session
18:30–21:00Banquet at Vasa Museum

13 September 2019

09:00–10:00The Many Facets of Dialog
Helen Meng
10:00–10:30Coffee Break
 10:30–11:45 Session 6 - Evaluation and Data
 A Large-Scale User Study of an Alexa Prize Chatbot: Effect of TTS Dynamism on Perceived Quality of Social Dialog
Michelle Cohn, Chun-Yen Chen and Zhou Yu
 Influence of Time and Risk on Response Acceptability in a Simple Spoken Dialogue System
Andisheh Partovi and Ingrid Zukerman
 Characterizing the Response Space of Questions: a Corpus Study for English and Polish
Jonathan Ginzburg, Zulipiye Yusupujiang, Chuyuan Li, Kexin Ren and Paweł Łupkowski
 13:00–14:50 Poster and Demos 3
 From Explainability to Explanation: Using a Dialogue Setting to Elicit Annotations with Justifications
Nazia Attari, Martin Heckmann and David Schlangen
 Prediction of User Emotion and Dialogue Success Using Audio Spectrograms and Convolutional Neural Networks
Athanasios Lykartsis and Margarita Kotti
 Modelling Adaptive Presentations in Human-Robot Interaction using Behaviour Trees
Nils Axelsson and Gabriel Skantze
 Coached Conversational Preference Elicitation: A Case Study in Understanding Movie Preferences
Filip Radlinski, Krisztian Balog, Bill Byrne and Karthik Krishnamoorthi
 A Crowd-based Evaluation of Abuse Response Strategies in Conversational Agents
Amanda Cercas Curry and Verena Rieser
 A Dynamic Strategy Coach for Effective Negotiation
Yiheng Zhou, He He, Alan W Black and Yulia Tsvetkov
 Investigating Evaluation of Open-Domain Dialogue Systems With Human Generated Multiple References
Prakhar Gupta, Shikib Mehri, Tiancheng Zhao, Amy Pavel, Maxine Eskenazi and Jeffrey Bigham
 User Evaluation of a Multi-dimensional Statistical Dialogue System
Simon Keizer, Ondřej Dušek, Xingkun Liu and Verena Rieser
 Dialogue Act Classification in Team Communication for Robot Assisted Disaster Response
Tatiana Anikina and Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
 Multi-Task Learning of System Dialogue Act Selection for Supervised Pretraining of Goal-Oriented Dialogue Policies
Sarah McLeod, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova and Bernd Kiefer
 B. Rex: a dialogue agent for book recommendations
Mitchell Abrams, Luke Gessler and Matthew Marge
14:20–14:50Coffee Break (during Poster and Demos 3)
 14:50–16:05 Session 7 - Discourse
 SpaceRefNet: a neural approach to spatial reference resolution in a real city environment
Dmytro Kalpakchi and Johan Boye
 Which aspects of discourse relations are hard to learn? Primitive decomposition for discourse relation classification
Charlotte Roze, Chloé Braud and Philippe Muller
 Discourse Relation Prediction: Revisiting Word Pairs with Convolutional Networks
Siddharth Varia, Christopher Hidey and Tuhin Chakrabarty
16:05–16:20Short Coffee Break
16:20–17:20Business meeting, Awards and Closing