
Prese visit the Registration Form to register your attendance to SIGDIAL 2020 conference.

Registration deadline: June 19 25, registration is free of charge

Registration is required for authors presenting papers. During the conference, there will be a live, public video feed for anyone to view. However, you must register in order to participate in Q/A sessions and access our web conference manager system.

Participation Information

Thank you for registering for SIGDIAL! This year the SIGDIAL 2020 Conference will take place virtually from July 1st to July 3rd. We will be hosting the conference using the Trello platform. You will need to register for Trello (if you have not already) and join the “SIGDIAL 2020” Trello team. Information about registering for Trello will be emailed to all participants.

Once you are registered on Trello, you can view the conference website. Only registered participants will have access to the website. You can access it directly via Trello, or follow this link.

To help you get started, please look at the “Start Here! (Instructions & Rules)” link on the top left of the website and follow the instructions.

All keynotes and paper presentations have been pre-recorded and hosted on YouTube. You can access papers and presentations via the Trello website. Note that papers will not appear until the first day of the conference, July 1st, but you can watch presentation videos and post questions in the comments.

We will also be using Zoom for live Q/A and breakout discussion sessions, so please be sure to install the latest version of Zoom Though note that some of the demo paper sessions and breakout discussions might use platforms other than Zoom.

Author Q/A Session Information

After you have registered for the Trello board, please note the following expectations for authors who are presenting:

Please find your paper “card” on the Trello platform and make sure everything is accurate. If something is wrong, please email Casey Kennington ( and inform him on what the problem is so he can fix it. Note that your paper is not linked in the card right now. We will attach the PDFs to the cards on July 1st, the first day of the conference. Note when your paper’s presentation is scheduled; the date/time will be on your paper’s Trello card. This date/time is when your pre-recorded presentation video will be live-streamed on the main SIGDIAL 2020 conference stream; the organizers will take care of playing the video at the right time and place. You are expected to take part in a live Q/A Zoom meeting for your paper’s session. All papers will be part of the same Q/A Zoom meeting. The Zoom meeting you need to join will be linked in a card found at the bottom of the session list that your paper is in. Please be sure to join the Zoom meeting a few minutes before the Q/A session starts. The date/time will be shown on the Live Q/A Zoom meeting Trello card. Papers will show on Trello on July 1st, the first day of the conference. We plan on sending an email to participants to give them access to Trello by June 26th. If you *do not* wish to have your video available before July 1st for whatever reason (e.g., patent restrictions), please let us know as soon as possible (email and we can remove it from the Trello board, then add it on July 1st.

Important information for demo paper authors:
Each demo paper will have its own Zoom meeting that *you* (i.e., at least one of the paper’s authors) are expected to host. I.e., each demo paper will have a separate Zoom meeting, and one of the authors must provide the link for that meeting. We would appreciate it if you could create the link and provide us with that link by emailing it to Casey Kennington ( Alternatively, you can add the Zoom link directly to the Live Q/A Trello card for your demo session once you have access to the Trello platform. If you do not have a Zoom account or wish to use another service (e.g., Google Meet or Microsoft Teams), that is okay, but in any case please provide us with the link so participants can reach you and ask you questions about your demo.

This section is to help session chairs understand their role:

Find the session that you will be chairing. Please look at each of the “cards” in that list, as each card as the paper, author(s), link to pre-recorded presentation video, and abstract. Each card also has a “comments” section. These “comment” sections are intended to be used as a place where participants can ask questions to the authors about their papers. As a session chair, you should take note of the questions in the “comments” section of each paper for the session that they are chairing. We encourage you to ask these questions to the authors during the live Q/A meeting for your session. At the bottom of your session’s list is a “Live Q/A Session” card. That has a date/time on it that marks the time your session’s Live Q/A will start. That card will also have a link to the Zoom meeting that you will, the authors, and other participants will join. Upon joining, you will be given co-host permissions. That will give you control over muting/unmuting participants. Please join the Zoom meeting a few minutes before the Live Q/A Session is scheduled to start. Keep in mind the expectations of participants will be explained to them as follows: Please keep your mic muted and only unmute/show your video if called on by session chair. If you want to ask a question, please use the "raise hand" feature in Zoom: click on "Participants" and click on "raise hand". You can click "raise hand" again to toggle it off. Alternatively, you can write “I have a question” in the chat area. Don't join the live Zoom Q/A meeting unless you intend to ask a question. Otherwise just watch the YouTube live stream. Do not have both the YouTube live stream and the Zoom meeting open at the same time--choose one or the other. Try to give all of the papers in your session equal Q/A and discussion time as possible. Try to start punctually. Even if people are joining the Zoom meeting, you can begin Q/A as long as the authors are there. We trust you to make the right call whether to wait or to get started. Do try to end on time, however. Note that the Zoom meeting will be live streamed. If there are many (e.g., over 100) participants in the Zoom session, you may mention that they can simply watch the live stream; they should only join the Zoom meeting if they intend to ask a question. You will not be expected to introduce the papers in your session as the session begins--the organizers will start playing the pre-recorded videos at the start of the sesion. Note for keynote chairs: session chairs for Keynotes will need to introduce the speaker before the speaker takes over. That means the session chair should join the Zoom meeting before the session begins.

This section is to help guide you for breakout discussion group leaders:

As of now, there are over 870 registered participants for SIGDIAL 2020. While we welcome the increased interest in SIGDIAL, this poses a challenge for doing your job as a discussion group leader. When you have access to the Trello platform, find the list named “Breakout Discussion Topics” and find your card. You can click on your card and see that you can add comments. You can use this feature to update participants with information on how you plan to manage the discussion. You will need to provide your own meeting link. If you choose to use Zoom and have a license, then that works well. However, you can also use other platforms like Google Meet or Microsoft Teams. Whatever you choose, if it’s other than Zoom, please provide some instructions on how to get it setup. We will ask participants to “vote” for the discussion they wish to join. The Trello card representing your discussion topic will have a vote count. This will give you an idea of how many participants intend to join the discussion on that topic. However, we would suggest that you assume more will join than voted. We cannot know at this point if only a handful of people will join your discussion, or if hundreds will. Please prepare for different possibilities. If only a few people join, there might be time to have everyone introduce themselves. If many people join, not everyone will be able to participate. Keep your eye on chat areas to see what kinds of questions people are asking. We suggest having an agenda of topics to discuss relative to your topic ready and posted on your Trello card beforehand to start the discussion. This could be especially useful if you have a large number of discussion participants. Anytime you want information you post in the comments of your discussion topic’s Trello card, and you want that information to be in the card’s description (i.e., the top of the card so it doesn’t get pushed down with new comments), you can tag @caseykennington and request to add it to the description.

All papers will need a pre-recorded video to present their paper. We have some instructions and guidelines (including time length and file size constraints) to help you create your presentation.

Pre-recorded presentation video upload deadline: June 19

Please upload your pre-recorded video presentation file using the video upload form.