Topics of Interest
We welcome formal, corpus-based, implementation or analytical work on discourse and
dialog including but not restricted to the following themes and topics:
1. Discourse Processing and Dialog Systems
Discourse semantic and pragmatic issues in NLP applications such as text summarization,
question answering, or information retrieval, including topics like:
- Discourse structure, temporal structure, information structure
- Discourse markers, cues and particles and their use
- (Co-)Reference and anaphora resolution, metonymy and bridging resolution
- Subjectivity, opinions and semantic orientation
Spoken, multi-modal, and text/web based dialog systems including topics such as:
- Dialog management models
- Coordination of speech, gesture, and eye gaze
- Text and graphics integration
- Strategies for preventing, detecting or handling miscommunication
- Utilizing prosodic information for understanding and for disambiguation
- Embodied conversational agents
- Generation for dialog
- Overlap in dialog
2. Corpora, Tools and Methodology
Corpus-based work on discourse and spoken, text-based and
multi-modal dialog including its support, in particular:
- Annotation tools and coding schemes
- Data resources for discourse and dialog studies
- Corpus-based techniques and analysis (including machine learning)
- Evaluation of systems and components, including methodology, metrics and case studies
3. Pragmatic and/or Semantic Modeling
The pragmatics and/or semantics of discourse and dialog
(i.e. beyond a single sentence) including the following issues:
- The semantics/pragmatics of dialog acts (including those which are less studied)
- Models of discourse/dialog structure
- Prosody in discourse and dialog
- Models of presupposition, accommodation, or conversational implicature
- Grounded semantics in situated dialog
4. Dimensions of Interaction
Methods to address how interaction is shaped by specific properties of users, goals, modalities
- Turn taking within or across modalities
- User modeling
- Models of adaptation, such as entrainment
- Comparison of interactions of distinct types (e.g., task-based versus
- Multiparty interaction
5. Applications
The applications of dialog and discourse processing technology in areas such as:
- Training and education/tutoring systems
- Entertainment and gaming applications
- Personal assistants
- Online chatting, meeting, blog, and social network analysis
- Human robot interaction